Things you might need for your hip replacement recovery
Below is a list of helpful products you might consider getting before your hip surgery.
Recovering from a hip replacement can be easier when you have the right tools and supplies. Plan ahead and consider getting some of these helpful products from Amazon before your hip surgery.
Dr. Kurtz’s favorite products are denoted with a “ *** ”
Durable Medical Equipment
Garments and Cooling Devices
Dressing Supplies and Tools
Pain Medications
Stool Softeners
Durable Medical Equipment (DME) for the Bathroom.
The bathroom can be a dangerous place after a hip replacement. Some bathrooms may be small and not allow a walker to easily maneuver around the bathroom. Some commodes may be low to the ground making it difficult to get off the commode. Some bathrooms do not have railings or handles to help patients safely get up from their commode. Some showers may have slippery floors and cause patients to fall as they get in and out of the shower. Some of these DME items may help keep you safe during your recovery. Elderly patients, high fall-risk patients, and patients who have a small, unsafe bathroom may want to consider getting some of these items before they have surgery.
Shower Chair
A shower chair can help prevent falls in the shower or bath. Some elderly patients may benefit from having a safe place to sit while they clean up.
Elevated Commode.
Elevated commodes can be placed by your bedside or over an existing commode. It is helpful if your current commode is small or does not have railings and handles to help you get up.
Hip Reacher Kit
This kit has many helpful tools including a Leg Lifter, 19 and 32 inch Rotating Reacher Grabber, Long Handle Shoe Horn, Sock Aid, Dressing Stick, and Bath Sponge.
Quad Cane
A Quad cane can help elderly patients with their ambulation. This cane is an excellent bridge for the time between when a patient needs a walker and can walk unassisted.
Garments and Cooling Devices
Many patients may benefit from different garments to make their life easier while recovery from their hip replacement.
Cold Therapy Compressive Garment
This compressive garment can be worn after your hip replacement to apply both compress and cooling to your operative site. Compressive
Cold Therapy System
This cold therapy unit has a special pad designed for hip joints. Cold Therapy can help reduce pain and swelling for the first month after surgery.
Dressing Supplies and Tools
Having some dressings supplies on hand just in case you need to change your dressing after surgery is always a smart idea.
Water Proof Dressing
These waterproof dressings are 4x10 inches and safe to use in the shower. The dressing and water proof covering are all in one dressing.
Breathable Dressing
This 4 x 8 inch island dressing is a great option to cover your post op hip incision. Just peel off the backing and apply to one piece dressing to your incision. These dressings come in a box of 25.
Over the Counter Medications
Some over the counter medications can help with the post operative knee pain.
Aleve or any NSAID can help with orthopedic post operative pain. Patients with kidney problems, gastric ulcers, uncontrolled blood pressure, or who are on blood thinners should not take NSAIDs
Voltaren Gel
Topical anti-inflammatory cream can help decrease the pain and swelling after a hip replacement. Apply the gel to the side of your hip but not directly on the incision.
Docusate / Colace
Docusate Sodium is the most common stool softener. You can take one pill twice a day to prevent the constipation that often occurs with narcotic pain medicine.
Milk of Mag
Milk of Mag is a gentle laxative that is a little stronger than Docusate. Try taking Milk of Mag if you need more help than Docusate can provide.
Disclaimer: Dr. Kurtz participates in Amazon’s associates program. All proceedings from the Amazon Associates program are donated to the Faith Family Medical Center. The cost of these products does not change if you buy them from our site or from Amazon’s website directly.